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Unveiling the Dream Continuum: My Mind’s Epic Journey Across Days and Nights


Recently, I was experiencing something dreams very differently and I was wondering if that happens to others. I found that it does and it is called dream sequencing. Dream sequencing refers to a phenomenon where an individual experiences a series of dreams that are interrelated or connected as part of a larger narrative. Rather than having disjointed and unrelated dreams, these sequences feel like they are part of a larger story or plotline. In my personal experience, I have had a few nights where I experienced this phenomenon, and it was spine-chilling to be the main character in the dream. I invite you to read on and immerse yourself in my experience.


Is it true that “Shiva” Chooses his own Devotees ?


For the past few days, I have been enveloped in a mystical aura surrounding Lord Shiva. It all began on a Mahashivratri night when I experienced an overwhelming feeling while meditating. Since then, my curiosity about Lord Shiva has grown immensely, and every new discovery makes me fall in love with him even more. As I pondered over this experience, a friend mentioned that Lord Shiva chooses his devotees, which intrigued me. I delved into research to find out if this was true, and to my amazement, it was! Keep reading to discover the fascinating details of my findings.