For the past few days, I have been enveloped in a mystical aura surrounding Lord Shiva. It all began on a Mahashivratri night when I experienced an overwhelming feeling while meditating. Since then, my curiosity about Lord Shiva has grown immensely, and every new discovery makes me fall in love with him even more. As I pondered over this experience, a friend mentioned that Lord Shiva chooses his devotees, which intrigued me. I delved into research to find out if this was true, and to my amazement, it was! Keep reading to discover the fascinating details of my findings.

Shiva, the lord of transformation and change, is a revered deity in Hinduism. Devotees of Shiva believe that through their devotion and surrender, they can experience his grace, which can bring about a spiritual transformation and profound growth.

According to Hindu mythology, Shiva is known as the “Kripalu” or the merciful one, who showers blessings upon those with a pure heart, unwavering faith, and a sincere desire for spiritual progress. His grace is available to everyone, and he responds to the sincere prayers and devotion of his devotees.

Many devotees of Shiva believe that he chooses his devotees and blesses them with his grace, helping them overcome obstacles and attain spiritual liberation. Devotees often have deep and personal experiences of his grace and blessings, ranging from sudden surges of love and devotion to powerful senses of his presence during prayer or meditation.

Mira Bai, a 16th-century Indian princess and poetess, was a devoted follower of Shiva. Despite opposition from her husband and in-laws, she continued to worship Shiva in secret, determined to follow her heart. One day, her in-laws sent her a cup of poison, hoping to end her devotion, but Shiva appeared before her and transformed the poison into nectar, saving her life and blessing her devotion.

Mira Bai’s experience is just one example of how Shiva’s grace can manifest in the lives of his devotees. Devotees often report feeling a sense of peace, clarity, and joy in their lives as a result of their connection with Shiva. They may also experience a sense of protection and guidance from him during difficult times, and feel a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their spiritual path.

As Mira Bai’s life exemplifies, devotion to Shiva can lead to a life of inspiration and devotion. Her poetry and devotion continue to inspire people today, serving as a testament to the transformative power of devotion to Shiva. As the Hindu scripture, Shiva Purana, states, “It is only through the grace of Shiva that one attains liberation.”

The answer is YES he does!

-wrote with the help of CHATGPT

Originally published here